Pulse Oximeter, How to Use It How does Pulse Oximetry Work
What is a Pulse Oximeter How to Use It How Does Pulse Oximetry Work to Measure Heart Rate and Oxygen Saturation Watch this video to find out Best Pulse Oximeters Full Guide Our Top Recommended Pulse Oximeters for Home Use: 1. Mibest Dual Color Pulse Oximeter 2. Innovo Deluxe Pulse Oximeter 3. Santamedical Pulse Oximeter Affiliate Disclosure: These links are affiliate links which means that, if you click and make a purchase, we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. What is a Pulse Oximeter A Pulse Oximeter is a device that is used to quickly and easily monitor a persons oxygen saturation. This means that is can measure the level of oxygen within the blood, specifically in arterial blood without using any invasive means. How Does a Pulse Oximeter Work