Will Persia Take Over Oil (1951)
Abadan, Iran (Persia). Various air and ground shots of the oil refineries at Abadan. LV. Zoom in arid desert mountains. GV. River running through mountains. MV. Surveyors working. SCU. Surveyor looking through theodolite, CU. GV. Lorries bringing supplies up. SV. Lorry with huge petrol tank staggering up hill. SV. Derrick being erected, SCU. MV. Petrol tanks being placed into position, SV. MV. Completed derrick. SCU. Cutting bit being placed on end of drill. GV Oil field set in mountainous country. GV. Mountainous country. MV. Pipelines straggling over mountains. Map showing Abadan and surrounding. MV. Workers in Abadan going off to oil works. MV. Workers entering works. LV. Modern theatre in Abadan. MV. Modern school. MV. Pupils in chemistry class. SV. Boy working on test tube. GV. Tankers in harbour. SV. Tanker British Chivalry London. MV. Oil feeds going aboard ship. SV. Engineers on oil stopcock. GV. Pan, oil tanks at Abadan. GV. Abadan. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH