Using Compressors Proxy Presets for Creating Proxies for Use in Final Cut Pro
This time around we want to look at which, if any, advantages there are to creating proxies with Compressor for use in our Final Cut Pro projects. And if there are advantages, how to use them and leverage the additional options that Compressor offers us for transcoding files in general. Such as creating socalled Droplets for quick and easy transcoding, without even having to start up Compressor itself LIEBER AUF DEUTSCH : The FULL VIDEO with all the chapters: How to SAFELY Update Final Cut Pro X: 00:00 Intro 31:00 Using Compressor for creating proxies for use in Final Cut Pro INFOS AND LINKS FROM THIS VIDEO Robins comprehensive Final Cut Pro X Training in German HERE: German Infos and content surrounding Final Cut Pro X Co. HERE: Exzerpts from the German FCP Training HERE: