Felix The Cat Daze And Knights (1920 1929)
Check Copyright Animation. One in the series of Adventures of Felix the Cat cartoons by Pat Sullivan. FELIX THE CAT DAZE AND KNIGHTS Felix is hungry. He tries to steal from a fisherman but is caught. He breaks into a wealthy castle but has a fight with the butler and is then chased by a suit of armour. He jumps into a painting on the wall and runs off into the woodland fairy tale landscape. He tries to shoot a bear, a bird and catch some mice but they all put on suits of armour. He rescues a damsel being chased by a mediaeval army. They escape in his car and flee across the moat into the castle. The knights fire arrows through the windows and the King and Princess are frightened. Felix pours gasoline over the army and they explode. In reward, the King gives Felix the key to the kitchen. Joyously Felix unlocks the door, but inside finds the butler who chases him away. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMEN