Supernatural, , Ill Do Anything For You
Made to view in 720P Trust me and watch in HD version to truly enjoy it HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 TO ALL MY NEAR DEAR FRIENDS You know who you are :) This is the first time I m using Sony Vegas and the first time I made a Supernatural video My alltime favorite show Family Doesn t End With Blood. I have tried to convey the thought that Supernatural is so much more about love, family, friendships and loyalty rather than just about the demons and slaying. The characters do everything in their power to protect their loved ones. I have told the story from the perspective of 6 characters Dean, Lisa, Sam, Castiel, Jo and Bobby. No matter how much they want to have a normal life, fate always intervenes to push them over their limits. Hope you enjoy it. Comment, rate, sub. I may do another video soon. Though the channel name suggests otherwise, I ll try to do vids of different fandoms as much as I can.