God Bless America
English lyrics: In any Banjo Even though we lost almost every war We re chosen to keep things in order And if you don t drink Coke and feed on Burgers In any case you ll be a bloody fuckin terrorist. . First it was the Indio s turn We sent them back to Manitou, to chew their Pemmican No matter if KuKLuxKlan with a texan hat Wherever we go, everything s gonna be alright. Uncertainty. . (REF) USA ao USA, God bless America USA ao USA, before we re called, (we re already there) USA ao USA, God bless America USA ao USA, before we re called, (we re already there) In any Banjo In Vietnam we weren t really treated gently From Cuba and Korea too, we had to ride home with sorrow But during Operation Desert Storm and in Hiroshima Our groove hit home like a bomb made in America. We re not about power, money or oil We only wan