How This Beetle Could Help Solve Our Water Crisis, Evolutionary Tech
Twothirds of the world s population faces an extreme water shortage at least one month a year. Many of these places are dry, arid deserts with no reliable source of freshwater other than fog, that is. But fog capture isn t as easy as you might think, at least for us humans. The Namib Desert beetle, on the other hand, has practically perfected the art. Here s how scientists are creating technology based on the beetle s exoskeleton that could help end water scarcity. MORE EVOLUTIONARY CONTENT: 6 Ways Evolution Screwed Us Over Incredible Animation Shows How Humans Evolved From Early Life 5 Useless Body Parts Left Over From Evolution , Evolution, Water, ScienceInsider Science Insider tells you all you need to know about science: space, medicine, biotech, physiology, and more. Visit us at: