Sultan Suleiman and his family: wives, children. The true fates and real causes of their death
Many films were made about the extraordinary love of Roksolana and Sultan Suleiman and many books were written. But after the release of the TV series Magnificent Century, millions of people around the world became interested in their story. The audience reacted differently to this movie saga. Someone subjected the film to harsh criticism for the unreliability of the story, while someone, on the contrary, watched the entire series with admiration from beginning to end. Yes, the series is based on historical events, but this is more of a feature film. In this regard, the writers allowed themselves to invent a lot. In particular, this affected the main characters of the series, their lives and destinies. By the way, the causes of death of most of the historical figures shown in the series also do not correspond to reality. Today I want to tell you about the fate and real causes of death of the children and wives of Sultan Suleiman. , sultantv, ottomanempire, magnificentcentury, ottomanempire