Hands Like Houses Hurricane
Hurricane by Hands Like Houses. Out now everywhere; This song has been in motion for 18 months or so, with versions bounced back and forth a hundred times over. Sometimes you write a song about one thing, but by the time it sees the light of day, the raw feelings have evolved and the song challenges its own existence. It took honest conversations about why any of this matters to feel confident enough that it was time. Hurricane is a nod to the past, a cautious step towards an unknown future, and an honest, heartfelt acknowledgement of the present. Whats next is still without shape or certainty, but the wheels are turning. This is the first step. Lyrics Im bound up and broken, caught out in the open, tape over my mouth, with so much left unsaid. Like gathering thunder, we spoke over each other, now strangers tied to opposite sides of the bed. You say that Im careless, unkind and defensive, when all I want is someone there to hold me clo