CGI Animated Shorts : Horde by BRUTUS Collective
Check out this creepy cool CGI animated short film called Horde created by the talented team at BRUTUS collective For more information, please see the details below: Directed by BRVTVS Thibaud Clergue Aurélien Duhayon Sébastien Iglesias Camille Perrin Music by Lionel Flairs for Hit n Run Sound design by Florian Calmer Mixing by Benoit Rault and Florian Calmer We used LH Auto Rig 1. 0 created by Ludovic Habas for the characters rigging Facial and motorcycles riggings were done by Lucas Morandi This project was able to see the light of day thanks to Armand Béraud and Machine Molle, who kindly hosted us for two months Wallpapers: Red