Claudio Monteverdi LOrfeo
music director: René Jacobs, Orfeo: Simon Keenlyside, choreography: Trisha Brown dancers: Kathleen Fisher, Stanford Makishi, Mariah Malohey, Brandi Norton, Stacy Matthew Sencer, Katrina Thonpson, Keith A. Thompson, Abigall Yager, MingLung Yang ORPHEUS: See now, I return to you, dear woods and beloved hills, made blessed by that sun through whom alone my darkness is lightened. FIRST SHEPHERD: Look, Orpheus, how the shade of those beech trees invites us, now that Phoebus darts burning ra 1998 г. , королевский театр де ла Монне (Конинклийке Muntschouwburg) в Брюсселе.