Friday Night Funkin Lost my Mind Sonic Vs. Xain FULL WEEK ( FNF Mod, Hard)
Friday Night Funkin Lost my Mind Sonic Vs. Xain FULL WEEK Song for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. TabiFan117 Mod Creator: Nominal Dingus Composer of Songs: This time we have Sonic fighting his inner deeper who is Xain but Xain is too strong and the only way Sonic can control him is by rap battling. I m just going to assume that this takes place in the 3. 0 universe, fanmade of course. Will Sonic be able to break free or will he let Xain control his body Let s find out. Xain kind of looks like Fleetway who appeared in 2. 5 mod, endless cycle, and so on. Lost my Mind Breaking Point Sonic Vs. Xain Download (Description): Game Note: Sonic fights his inner demons during one of his nightmares, and those demons might look Xain : Yyou re not sstronger than me, PEST They re fighting for Who s going to win All Son