London Royal Film Performance (1968)
No title. Royal Film Performance 1968: Romeo and Juliet by Franco Zeffirelli. London. L, S guests arriving at West End cinema for premiere. C, U Czech film star Olinka Berova arriving. L, S Danny Kaye arriving. C, U film star Danny Kaye. M, S actor Topol and wife arriving with film star Daliah Lavi. C, U Dahlia Lavi. High angled shot Roger Moore, pan to actor Richard Attenborough and wife Sheila Sim. C, U the Attenboroughs. L, S actress and soap opera legend Joan Collins with actor David Hemmings. C, U ditto. Panning C, U Linda Thorson and Patrick Macnee (both stars from television series The Avengers. L, S guests waiting in circle lounge. C, U Italian film director Zeffirelli. C, U Leonard Whiting. C, U Olivia Hussey, actress who played Juliet. M, S 5 year old Rodney Fox with his mother. C, U ditto. M, S Queen Elizabeth II being introduced to celebrities by Sir Philip Warter (Chairman of Associated British Pictures). C, U Queen. L, S as Royal family walk past line of s