HOLOEN TTRPG Character Creation The World of Darkness Awaits Our 8 , hololive English
The story What kind of characters will my genmates create, I wonder We will be working on character creation for each of the girls, as well as brainstorming ideas for the campaign and sharing their sheets with you all I am most certainly not silently planning ways to make them suffer. Definitely not. Absolutely, undeniably not doing that. : (Note: TTRPG stands for Table Top Role Playing Game, which a group of friends can play together by creating characters who are thrown into a universe and story being enacted by a Game Master or The game we are playing is New World of Darkness Hunter: The Vigil. ) BG art: This TTRPG is streamed and monetized in accordance with World of Darkness s Dark Pack Policy. Character Sheets made available through Mr. Gone ーーーーーーーーーーーーー Buy or Stream my new album h