Future Technology, 60 Minutes Marathon
From December 2023, Scott Pelleys report on quantum computers, which could give us answers to impossible problems in physics, chemistry, engineering and medicine. From January 2023, Pelleys report on the nuclear fusion breakthrough that could be a step to unlimited clean energy. From October 2023, Pelleys interview with Geoffrey Hinton about the promise and risks of artificial intelligence. From July 2023, Pelleys interview with Google CEO Sundar Picha about the future of artificial intelligence. From April 2024, Bill Whitakers interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, the man behind the 2 trillion company powering today s artificial intelligence. Also from April 2024, Dr. Jon LaPooks story on mental health chatbots powered by artificial intelligence developed as a therapy support tool. From March 2023, Lesley Stahls interview with Microsoft President Brad Smith and others about the emerging industry of artificial intelligence systems people can have conversations with. From August 2021, Stahl