Quiz: how to use both , both of , both the , both with pronouns and both and
All you need to know about the pronoun both in a bit more than 4 minutes If you want to do the same quiz online, or offer it to your students, click on the following link: Category: English grammar Level: Intermediate (B1+) Contents: 0:00 intro into the quiz 0:40 both, both the or the both 1:13 both of or both of the 1:28 both my or both of my 1:43 both us or both of us 2:00 I saw them both or I saw both them 2:33 both we like or we both like 2:44 we are both or we both are 3:01 they have both achieved or they both have achieved 3:17 is both possible in negative sentences 3:31 both and vs both as well as Write your examples and questions in the comments, and we will practise together ,both, pronouns, grammar