15, 000 Kitchen Island
This wood slab kitchen island was one of my biggest woodworking projects to date. It was also my first kitchen island, woo countertop project Made from a single piece of locally salvaged Black Walnut and the voids filled with jet black epoxy resin. This slab started out at nine feet long and over five feet wide. Rough cut by me and the final shape was precision cut by a CNC. I even decided to deliver this one personally and help with the installation. Let me know if you have any questions about the build Want to build your own epoxy table Check out my epoxy table virtual workshop: 0:00 Intro 0:45 Unloading Problems 2:28 Mixing and Pouring Epoxy 3:46 Table Top Epoxy For The Top 5:13 Rough Cutting To Size With Tracksaw 5:45 How I Flatten My Tables 6:29 CNC Cutting Slab To Shape 7:53 Medium Bad Idea 8:34 Inlaying CChannel 11:00 Client 12:07 Touching Up Pits With Epoxy 14:45 How I Finish My Tables 16:4