Oliver Olivia Tomorrows Memories ( Original Song)
orz. I apologize to everyone who is seeing this and didn t want to. I don t know why they don t let you subscribe to playlists anymore. Anyway, I bought my first Vocaloidthe new English Vocaloid, Oliverand made a song with him. Or, technically, I finished a song that was sitting on my computer waiting for a Vocaloid or UTAU to sing it, and redid the mixing some. Tried to sound vaguely similar to AgoanikiP. Oliver and Olivia sound muffled here because I don t know what I m doing and it s my first time using Vocaloid. I hope to improve soon. Also, dammit, Youtube. Ruinin my drawing. MP3: Offvocal (don t know why you would want this): Lyrics: Yet again, it seems, my voice has hollowed out on me, half my spirit s here and half of it is gone But the mirror smiles and once again beckons to me Here is your true self, i br, br,