3 D prints eco homes
After years of creating machines to 3D print rubber, recycled plastics, clay, and geopolymers, the Italian startup WASP created a 3DPrinter capable of printing a home for the marginal cost (which, they say, leans to 0) of the dirt. In 2018, the team printed their first home in 10 days using local earth (30 clay, 40 silt, 30 sand), 40 chopped rice straw, 25 rice husk, and 10 lime. Gaia cost 900 euros (1, 000 dollars) in materials for 30 meters of wall. The roundshaped structure relied on a wooden roof and beams for support. Three years later, WASP printed an allearth twodomed home dubbed TECLA (Technology + Clay) using two synchronized printing arms, which were programmed to pick, mix and pump materials into layers. At their headquarters in Massa Lombarda, Italy, it took 200 hours, 7000 machine codes, and 6kw of energy to print the 350 layers of clay. WASP (World s Advanced Saving Project) is the brainchild of fatherdaughter team Massimo and Francesca Moretti. Launched in