Pasha Fatykhov, , Sasha Oshkin, , Morgan Moreau, , STEP
This weekend: Relaxing in Moscow But still DANCING after Remy Friends event Heres TOP VID for you Friends pashafatykhov sashaoshkin morganmoreau23 feat Mr. SAMOURAI DC live DJ Want to say to my partners in crime Sasha and Morgan LUV U boys; To Frank (Samourai) respect for that set Bro; To Mr remyhuleux THNX its was great chance to all of us to meet each other P. S. lizagaritcyna THNX 4 VID , pashafatykhov, live, onstage, fitnessaddict, stepaerobics, fitnesseducation, fitnessconvention, dance, remyandfriends, videooftheday, cardio, boys, sashaoshkin, remyhuleux, morganmoreau, motivation, videooftheday, activelifestyle, lifeisgood