This matter concerns Zoya Krilova ( Peck) or Medvedeva
Me and my mom were getting along up until 2007 when terrible accident happened. I was in my deep sleep in my room living in Saint Pete as my mother decided to commit aggravated assault on my punk ass and she did that by swinging a hammer over my head hitting me three times before I jumped up and seized her movements. Then I immediately ran outside into the community where we were living on 5940 21st Street Appartment 5 and I managed to get some help right away. An ambulance came and took me to the Hospital covered up in blood and bleeding. Pictures were taken by the detectives once I got there and later I ran an MRI scan. Doctors told me that I will be feeling spooked and even crazy for quite some time maybe two years which proven to be right and I felt really disoriented wanting to submit myself to a mental institution such as WindMoore voluntarily time after time. My mother that day did not resist an arrest and was taken to jail to serve her sentence for Attempted Murder, but was released much earlier.