thanks for watching :) send me an email if you want your clip removed, or I missed credit, or I mistakenly used without your permission. submit a clip: videos used: cat hands up planks break car runs into pole guitar guy on train bike runs into bike plank bar punching machine hot dog grill throwing table at jars potholes learning how to play basketball ice cubes guy tries to get into train rain roof collapse anchor slip soap on guy s shirt guy drives into fence car on soccer field cat birthday socks of fire cat ears covered dog laser beam dolphin dive electric pole capybara why are you holding the door drunk guy pc won t start cup on door shoe museum chinchilla stairs dog in a tree kitten babushka what ice cream flavor dog calves guy on ladder toilet on fire guy breaking car bike jumper over tape chair slips on girl more wine guy jumps in store cat in car got it skip rope hits lights parkour over fence tragedy (dishwasher) cat toy slappy bike in the bathroom mall cop toad couch outro song