Roman Complains About Weird New Christians and Jesus Son of Panthera (177 AD) True Word, Celsus
Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch Legions of Rome and the rest of MagellanTVs history collection: Extracts taken from: Celsus, as quote by Origen: Music from Epidemic Sound and Artlist Stock footage from Videoblocks and Artgrid Image Credits: Jupiter Biser Todorov, CC BY 4. 0 via Wikimedia Commons Lector Priest By Djehouty Own work, CC BYSA 4. 0, Qumran Scroll By Shai Halevi on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority Enlargement of image at CC BYSA 4. 0, Sol By I, Sailko, CC BYSA 3. 0,