1963 LS Swapped Travelall Transmission Nightmare 6. 0 LS International Harvester Wagon Ep. 4
Check out this week s sponsor and get the exclusive NordVPN deal here at It s riskfree with NordVPN s 30day moneyback guarantee Like what we re wearing Grab some S2S Merch here We re watching the LS Fest countdown clock, and we can t lie. It s making us a bit nervous. We still have a laundry list of things to do to this LS swapped International Harvester Travelall before it s ready for the trip up to Kentucky. We re starting by making sure we have some fresh glass in to keep the bugs out of our faces while we re flying down the highway. Then we re moving right along to getting the seats mounted properly in the cab, to keep us from flying through the windshield while we re flying down the highway That s not