Animated fairy tale about a man taken to a spirit world, The mountain of SGaana by C. Auchter
In The Mountain of SGaana, Haida filmmaker Christopher Auchter spins a magical tale of a young man who is stolen away to the spirit world, and the young woman who rescues him. The film brilliantly combines traditional animation with formal elements of Haida art, and is based on a story inspired by a old Haida fable. , ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, Subscribe for more shorts: Follow us on facebook: , ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, Original title The mountain of SGaana Director Christopher Auchter Writer Christopher Auchter, Annie Reid Animation Christopher Auchter, Tara Barker, Marco Li, Sitji Chou Producers Shirley Vercruysse, Teri Snelgrove Soundtrack Daniel Janke Voices Kevin Loring, Devery Jacobs Year 2020 Licensed by National Film Board of Canada , kiskis, animatedshortfilms, shortfilm, fairytales, magic, adventure