Animal Forest (1969)
Animal forest in Russia. CU A Russian bear in forest. CU A fox. CU A large St. Bernard type dog who puts his head on one side. CU Jackdaw in tree. SV Jury Sumenkov and Tariel Gabidzashvili sitting with their animals in the forest. CU One of the Russian boys. CU The other Russian boy. CU ST. Bernard type dog. SV The two boys having a wash from a bucket. CU Jackdaw having a wash in a little mud pool. CU Russian bear washing in a mud pool. CU Jackdaw drying himself. SCU One of the Russian boys combing the bear, then the dog. CU Cigarette being taken from packet and placed in Russian boys mouth. CU Jackdaw steals the cigarette from his mouth and flies off. SV The two Russians eating. SCU The jackdaw is helping himself from one of the boys mess tins. SCU The other Russian also has a bird eating from his mess tin. SV Russian bear eating from a nearby tree. SCU Jackdaw stealing what looks like a pencil from packet on ground. CU A large St. Bernard type dog who puts his head on one side. CU St. Bernard type do