How to Paint: Order of our Martyred Lady Battle Sister
In this video tutorial Duncan shows you how you can paint your Battle Sisters, more specifically, an iconic Order of our Martyred Lady Battle Sister. He ll teach you all the techniques you need to know to get a result you ll be proud of. Hope you enjoy. join our Academy at Join us on Instagram at and on Twitter at Paints used: Uniform Grey Spray Corvus Black Gal Vorbak Red Mephiston Red Dryad Bark Leadbelcher Ulthuan Grey Nuln Oil Mornfang Brown Retributor Armour Pallid Wych Flesh Agrax Earthshade Cadian Fleshtone Reikland Fleshshade Kislev Flesh Screaming Skull Mechanicus Standard Grey Stormvermin Fur Administratum Grey Daemonette Hide Evil Sunz Scarlet Stormhost Silver Liberator Gold Skrag Brown White Scar, twothincoats, duncanrhodes, sistersofbattle