romaskosmodroma DISSIDENT TAPES vol 1 ( Full Mixtape)
Hey. This is DISSIDENT TAPES vol 1 a collection of music I made in the last 23 years, old and new. Hope you get something out of it and leave your feedback. Thanks to Anthony Fantano and Sarah Bonito for recording the intro soundbites and the producer tags Bandcamp: SoundCloud: SONG LIST: 00:00 NOWHERE TO GO, , Intro 2:18 RELOCATE 3:02 KIFFLOM (+sus freestyle) 4:01 STEADY, , FAMILY perfect day (cut due to YouTube copyright, available on Bandcamp and SoundCloud) 7:51 wulf of finland 9:11 VISA MasterCard 10:30 KNOCK KNOCK 13:43 russki rap vol1 14:52 NEW YEAR NEW ME 17:30 SHE OUTTA POCKET 18:29 slipping away 22:18 autumn colors 25:14 Nothing But You 28:36 SPACED OUT 31:31 QUIT PLAYIN freestyle 34:07 that eerie feeling 35:42 Windblows 98 36:42 Gran Turism