One more time One more chance Vietsub Split Screen MV
Sometimes when ppl grow, They grow apart Thank Hoshi for the idea of the most desperate line I combined Promotion Video PV (Left) with ending of the movie (Right), so we can compare the differences between two versions and find out many interesting things. More informations: On the right scene, music start at 0:25 from the radio at the grocery. It synced perfectly with music in the PV (Left), so i muted the PV (Left) from 0:25 to 1:20. Train scene at the end (4:40) is the key. Not only the position but the posture of Takaki shown the irony of life: in the moment, he put his hand out of pocket and rooted to the spot like a kid, but Akari wasnt there Cảm ơn Hoshi về ý tưởng câu hát tuyệt vọng nhất Mình ghép PV (trái) và ending (phải) của phim 5cm, s, vào cùng 1 MV, trên nền nhạ br, br,