Crochet 3 D Doily, Table Runner, 3 D Rug
Materials 1. Crochet Hook 2. yarn Types of 1. Chain stitch the most basic of all stitches and used to begin most projects. 2. Slip stitch used to join chain stitch to form a ring. 3. Single crochet stitch (called double crochet stitch in the UK) easiest stitch to master. 4. Halfdouble crochet stitch (called half treble stitch in the UK) the inbetween stitch 5. Double crochet stitch (called treble stitch in the UK) (yarn over once) many uses for this unlimited use stitch 6. Treble (or triple) crochet stitch (called double treble stitch in the UK) (yarn over twice) Crochet Products: 1. Crochet Infinity, 2. Crochet Beanies for, Everybody, 3. Crochet Baby Hats, 4. Crochet Scarves, 5. Crochet Crochet Flowers, 6. Crochet Cell Phone Chic, 7. Crochet Ruffle Scarves, 8. Crochet Knotted headband, 9. Crochet Face scrubbers, 10. Crochet Pretty flowers, 11. Crochet Braided necklac