Retro Direct Bicycle. Pedal Forwards or Backwards to move Forwards, at 2 speeds without shifting
This is my first attempt at building a Retro Direct. You can find more information on the bicycle at my website: This bike has 2 chain rings, 2 freewheels, and 1 chain. You can propel your self forward by pedaling either direction, while coasting is still possible. Pedaling backwards will give you a 46 x 17 gear ratio where pedaling forward will get you a 46 x 15 gear ratio, for faster speeds. I am using a 1990 s AlpineStar Cromega frame with an elevated chain stay. I chose a frame with an EStay to get the chain stay out of the way of the chain. Longest ride was a 38 mile ride around San Diego with a very heavy tool bag just in case something broke, but everything worked great. I currently have 1000+ miles on this bike with no problems or adjustments. This bike is also for sale, but keep in mind that I have spent over 1 month working on this. My girlfriend Hilary s first time riding the bike.