Navratri Special Aarti Songs, Popular Durga Bhakti Songs
Jai Adhyashakti 0:00:01, Vishvambhari 0:12:53, Maadi Taara Mandiriya 0:19:05, Ghor Andhari Re 0:26:04, Arasurni Ambe Maa 0:32:05, Khel Khel Re Bhavani Maa 0:36:01. Navaratri is derived from a Sankrit word that means nine nights. All through the 9 nights of this festivity different forms of Devi, a hindi godess is worshipped. It is a festival celebrated all through our is also known has Garba in various parts of India. Navaratri is a festival that speaks highly of cutural divers br, br,