Service At Westminster Abbey Nurse Cavell (1915)
Title reads: HOMECOMING OF A HEROINE. Impressive scenes at the arrival of Nurse Cavell s remains. London. High angled shots area in front of abbey, soldiers stand in row along pavement, horsedrawn hearse waits on road. Shot of pallbearers carrying coffin between lines of soldiers and through arched entrance of abbey. Intertitle reads: A solemn service at the Abbey and reverent and silent crowds was London s tribute to Edith Cavell Nurse and Martyr. High angled shot women in military uniforms marching along sea front road probably in Dover, Kent. MS soldiers marching with guns pointed downwards. Nice shot row of nurses military women saluting. MS various people military civilian outside hospital named for Cavell ( HopitalEcole Edith Cavell in Belgium) Still photograph head shot of Cavell. American cataloguer s note: British nurse Edith Cavell was killed by the Germans in Belgium during World War One. Note: titles do not correspond with shots appears to have be