Work Music for Overthinkers, Alt Dn B, Chill Electronic Mix
In a dark basement, illuminated solely by the light of a laptop, sits the overthinker. His goal is malicious; he seeks to ruin your buzz, man, and he is a selfstyled philosopher, wasting our time with navelgazing, unanswerable questions like what is the meaning of life He argues semantics on the internet, demanding that undefinable words be defined before actually addressing any arguments. Internet debate is a game of throwing poorlythoughtout opinions at each other, and he cowardly refuses to commit to a side. The overthinker thinks deeply, but not clearly. The solution: he should stay away from harmful thinking, especially if it produces no immediate, concrete benefits to our personal lives, and fight our natural programming to think too much. Tracklist: 0:00 Drift Melad 4:00 Holdin Onto Your Silence Jozels 7:28 Again Melad 9:44 Blue 22 AWAY, Charity Vance 14:48 Lost In Translation EMBRZ 18:10 Home To You Anyma 22:37 Losing Me (Linko Remix) Po