Can I Rob A Store With Just A Hammer ( My Redemption), GTA 5 CHALLENGE , GTA FUNNY MOMENTS
So in this GTA 5 Challenge Im throwing it all the way back to the long long ago, or better known as April 2015 when GTA V first game out. I attempted a GTA 5 challenge where I tried to rob a store with just a hammer, however I failed miserably and called it quits after 8 attempts. Now in this video I try to redeem those failures Previously I attempted this challenge on GTA online but sadly I now have too many mods installed so im unable to go online at all. Anyway I hope you enjoy. I filmed this using GTA 5 on PC. If you d like to see more you can subscribe here If you enjoyed the video leaving a Like on the video is insanely awesome and helpful LazarBeam Official Twitter LazarBeam Official Facebook Lazarbeam Google+ Check out my Subreddit My personal Twitter