Why People Suck at Keeping Promises, Alex Sheen, TEDx SDSU
promise, ˈpräməs, a statement telling someone that you will definitely do something, or that something will certainly happen in the future. In his talk, Alex Sheen explores the science behind making and keeping promises. Alex Sheen is the founder of because I said I would, a social movement and nonprofit dedicated to bettering humanity through promises made and kept. Sparked by the loss of his father, Alex and his organization send promise cards to anyone anywhere in the world at no cost. Alex is someone who truly honors commitment. He once walked over 240 miles across the entire state of Ohio in 10 days to fulfill a promise. In less just two years, because I said I would has sent over 2. 4 Million promise cards to over 152 different countries. The promises written on these cards have made headlines around the world. His charitable projects and awareness campaigns have been featured on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer, CNN, The Today Show, NPR, The Los Angeles Times and many other pro