ASMR Cranial Nerve Examination
Doctor Bruce Butterfly was supposed to perform this cranial nerve exam but he couldn t make it and asked Sagi Master to perfort the test instead. Sagi Master day job is to put people to sleep and he doesn t know anything about medical stuff but Bruce Butterfly gave him a list of 36 different tests to perform. I ll copy the list here for you to use: 00:00 Introduction explanation 02:08 1 Look straight at my nose and Point the moving side with your hands. 03:32 2 Watch my fingers wherever it goes but dont move your head. 04:54 3 Ill touch your face and forehead, tell me if you can feel the same on both side. 06:10 4 Close your eyes, dont let me open them up. 07:20 5 Open your eyes big like me. 08:02 6 Show me your teeth like this. 08:42 7 Open your mouth, say ah. 09:31 8 Stick out your tongue. 10:37 9 Clinch your teeth. 10:59 10 Soft noise next to your ears. Close your eyes. Tell me left or right. 12:13 11 Shrug your shoulders like me. 12