Why Men Ditched Mustaches
The dynamic rise and fall of the mustache, a mustache history documentary for Movember SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL Join the Patreon here COOL HISTORY MERCH Buy episodethemed merch here From social activists to dictators, the mustache or moustache, for our nonAmerican viewers has proven a controversial form of facial hair. We jump into the wild history of upper lip hair and answer questions like: why doesnt Tarzan have a beard Why do Amish men shave their mustaches An enormous thank you to all of our wonderful Patreon supporters, especially Frausty the Snowman Nicholas Koval Ramrod Jonhson Sean SOURCES Are Beards Obligatory for Devout Muslim Men BBC News, BBC, 27 June 2010, Bedi, Rahul. LowCaste Indian Men Attacked for Growing Moustaches. The Telegraph, 10 Oct. 2017,