Understanding Page Load, Ziling Zhao ( Google)
Приглашаем на конференцию HighLoad++ 2024, которая пройдет 2 и 3 декабря в Москве Программа, подробности и билеты по ссылке: HighLoad++ 2015 Презентация и тезисы: Large websites with large customer bases should have fast page loads no matter where your customers are coming from. In this day and age speed is expected. Getting there requires engineers to both have data and the ability to analyze and find problems. This talk will address page load speed in two parts. A cold load where a user first comes to your site and a warm load which deals with intrasite page load speed. We will dive into the details of each page load and what is really going on. From network optimization to browser render performance, all things matter when it comes to optimizing the load of your web page. Furthermore, we will look into some tools that can be used to analyze and help developers discover and address problems.