Longer than your hand GIANT River Prawns in Bangkok, Grilled Oysters, 巨大烤河蝦, 正宗泰國蝦 Thai Street Food
Longer than your handGIANT River Prawns in Bangkok, Grilled Oysters, 巨大烤河蝦, 正宗泰國蝦Thai Street Food Hi, there I m Cate If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you Location information River Prawns 23. 3 USD Grilled Oysters 4 USD , giantprawns, grilledprawns, giantrivershrimp, grilledshrimp, rivershrimp, thaiprawns, giantshrimp, seafood, fishcutting, tigershrimp, 泰國蝦, 海鮮, 虎蝦