Ahrex Red Flashwing tied by Casper Hansen
Flies for the majestic salmon are proberbly some of the flies that are surrounded by the most traditions and unwritten rules. In the past, the fullydressed classic salmonflies consisted of a lot of exotic materials and complicated techniques but it was also the king of the fish that was the target. In recent years, a new type of salmon flies has appeared, and especially in the Scandinavian salmon rivers and streams, they have proven their worth. Flies where the wing does not consist of either feather or hair materials, but rather synthetic flash materials have become very popular. The many flash fibers give an eyecatching look and an effective moving flow in the water. This flash tubefly has accounted for a large part of the catches in recent years and is gradually becoming a permanent inventory in many Scandinavian salmon fly boxes. The very skilled Danish salmon fly fisherman Casper Hansen will this time demonstrate the effective Red Flashwing, which has already become a ne br, br,