Skulldudes Voice Actor Showcase
Although the Skulldudes dub is still on hiatus, we wanted to present the voice actors we got to directly work with, so we asked them to pick some of their lines to showcase here. We are so grateful to be able to work with such a talented bunch Tara Sweettoon1990 (Sweettoon1990) Argus LispieBlazie (LispieBlazie) Tommy TenTons Rowan P. (rowanindustries) Stanley Andrew Dos Santos (adossantosvo) Big Band Lota (lotaN1N3) Hungern BrawlersintheZone (BrawlersinZone) Krieg King Kodiak (kingkodiakva) Egrets Captain Lazar (CaptainJoe) Song Pedestrians Crossing Brenton Kossak, Blaine McGurty (Skullgirls OST) Skulldudes is a AU fan comic of Skullgirls featuring humanized parasites and living weapons. Read Skulldudes here: t. co, jO35Aegbrt amp1 For more updates follow us on Twitter