La Troisième Force, Cold War French army
Briefing: During the Cold War, the world was divided between Eastern and Western blocks. But, in 1966, President De Gaulle announced the departure of France from NATO. Marking its desire to detach itself from American strategy, and thus from that of the Alliance, France created its own sphere of influence in the Cold War world and was the first independent nuclear power in the 60s, affirming its desire to become the Third Force. Producing competitive weapons, from the famous Mirage to AMX tanks and Puma helicopters, the French army mastered ambush and airborne doctrines. The following video showcases army training and airborne maneuvers, Aéronavale (navy aviation) life on the Clemenceau carrier and finally, a scripted battle between French army elements and a fictional OPFOR (Opposing Force). Discover AIenhanced 60 FPS footage from rare archives, restored to HD standards, and powered by the beats of Carpenter Brut Side note: The following video has