Legio Symphonica Blood Moon, Warhammer Music
Subscribe: , , ABOUT Blood Moon is a Warhammer music composed and produced by Legio Symphonica as the theme for the Vampire Counts faction in The Old Realms, a Warhammer mod for the game Mount Blade 2: Bannerlord. I express my deepest gratitude to the people who interacts with my content, your feedback is my best inspiration. If you are working on a W40K production, feel free to contact me for the music. Learn more about the mod here: Join the Old Realms community here: , , LEGIO SYMPHONICA Smartlink: , , CREDITS Artwork by Artur Nakhodkin: Old Realms logo by Augustin Gayer: , , IMMORTALS Riley Terelinck WilliamB Archamus Joseph Romardal Moskorism Veldroas Yoan Ivanovich John Kell , , SPECIAL THANKS: MALO : , , COPYRIGHT Want to use my songs on your own videos or po