Julius Caesars Funeral Pyre, Rome
Divus Julius The Ides of March was the day on which Julius Caesar was assassinated in the year 44 B. C. It was one of the major epochchanging moments in the history of the world. Caesar s body was placed on a stretcher and taken to the Domus Publica, where he lived as Pontifex Maximus, and here given to Calpurnia that made him prepare for the final rite: the servants washed the body and perfumed with unguents, was coated with praetexta robe and covered his head, in lectus funebris placed between the images of his ancestors. The day after it held the funeral: the funeral procession left the Domus Publica between the heartrending cries of Calpurnia, the coffin was supported by the magistrates, surrounded by all the patricians and plebeians who had held public office and followed by an immense crowd of citizens and veteran, walked the Via Sacra to the Rostra at the Forum. Here Marc Antony held the funeral speech, who recalled that Caesar had made in praise Caesar to Rome and also what he had le