Well Known Bebop Licks You MUST Know for Jazz Guitar
Bebop is exciting, fun, fast, and versatile. And there are a lot of things you can do using your imagination. Learning theory, experimenting, and finding out what sounds great using bebop scales (or books) can take so much time. That s where these familiar bebop jazz guitar licks come into play. In this lesson, we will be discussing wellknown licks that you can add to your toolbox that you can whip out during improvisation and jam sessions. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:44 Lick 1 1:48 1st Variation 2:15 2nd Variation 2:32 3rd Variation 3:40 Different Scale Degrees 4:37 The Lick 6:25 Recap 6:50 Outro OTHER PLATFORMS Learn jazz faster and take your chops to the next level, book a call with Marc More free lessons on blog: Subscribe on YouTube: Like on Facebook: