What Child is this, Child of the poor ( The Hound+ The Fox) Medley
Ein Medley über ein Ereignis, was kaum bekannter sein könnte. Gleichzeitig gibt es aber kaum ein Ereignis, wo die eigentliche Bedeutung mehr in den Hintergrund gerückt ist. Gesungen von Leonie und Michelle, begleitet von Lisa. Weitere Musikvideos auf unserem Kanal: LIEDERTEXT: Fox What Child is this, who laid to rest On Marys lap is sleeping Whom angels greet with anthems sweet While shepherds watch are keeping Hound Helpless and hungry, lowly, afraid Wrapped in the chill of midwinter; Comes now, among us, born into, povertys embrace New life for the world Chorus: Hound Fox Who is this Who lives with the lowly Sharing their sorrows Knowing their hunger This is Christ revealed to the world In the eyes of a child, a child of the poor Fox (Hound) What child is this, who laid to rest (Who is, this stranger