George Harrison Tribute While My Guitar Gently Weeps (2022)
We re remembering George Harrison (25 February 1943 29 November 2001) playing his wonderful composition and one of his finest Beatles moments While My Guitar Gently Weeps. I played this tune on my new enyamusic9507 X4 Carbon Fiber. They sent me this special guitar and it s my first guitar that is not made out of wood. It s a great guitar with a lot of features (pickup, integrated mic, loudspeaker effects), but in this video you ll hear a 50 mix between the mic in front of it the line signal. Buy this guitar: Enya Website : Free Guitar Lessons: Music: My Gear: (Affiliate ) Instagram: 00:00 While My Guitar Gently Weeps 03:05 Cards , joschostephan, enya, whilemyguitargentlyweeps, beatles, beatlescover, georgeharrison, carbonfiber, enyaguitar, enyamusic, guitarcover