4 Stretches You Should Be Doing EVERY Morning
Waking up feeling stiff is extremely common, especially if you work out the day before. In this video, Im going to show you the 4 best stretches to do every morning to help loosen up and increase your flexibility for the rest of the day. Much of what you are trying to overcome are the tightnesses that develop from our sleeping posture. Each of these stretches is going to help hit these key areas and allow you to do it quickly so as not to take up much time. The first move is actually not a static stretch but rather a dynamic movement. The goal is to groove the hip hinge while at the same time stretch out the hamstrings a bit since many of us have chronically tight hamstring muscles from sitting all day. The reason we do this RDL movement however is not to statically stretch the hamstring but simply to warm them up. In the case of an anterior pelvic tilt you would not want to perform long stretches of the hamstrings, as they tend to be taut from pelvic positioning not actually muscle tightness. From h