A DEAD GIVEAWAY That Your Fish is a Female
So today I was editing a different video, when I glanced at my 210 gallon aquarium and saw my Salvini cichlid acting incredibly, overly aggressive ( they are normally just overly I took a closer look I saw why This fish normally shows female traits, but also show s male traits because of her high rank so I wasn t 100 confident that it was a female, but when I saw her egg tube a doubt I know she s a female Now of course only adult females will drop their tube (the tube comes down when they are about to lay eggs, then goes back up when their hopefully this video can help you if its your first time with cichlids As Always, thank You all for watching, be sure to subscribe for more Also, I m expanding beyond YouTube; check out some other sites that I am active on: Blogger: Pinterest: Facebook: Google+: